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No feed found with the ID 1. Go to the All Feeds page and select an ID from an existing feed.License – Firat University Mechanical Engineering
Foreign Language – English
Academic Studies – 30 Sci, 14 National Articles, 16 International and 5 National Papers
2 Conference Chairs
Ative Sayisi – 3625
Consultation – 2 Doctorate, 5 Master’s (Graduate)
4 Phd, 1 Master’s (Continuing)
1. Investigation of Parameters Affecting the Performance of Ground Source Heat Pumps, FÜNAF, Project No: 616, 2001, Auxiliary
Researcher, Concluded.
2. Investigation of Seasonal Behavior of Vertical Tube Ground Source Heat Pump in Residential Air Conditioning Systems,
FÜBAP, Project No: 1153, 2005, Assistant Researcher, Concluded.
3. Investigation of Environmental and Energy Benefits of Ground Source Heat Pump Systems, TUBITAK, Rapid Support Project,
106Y188, 2006-2007, Associate Researcher, Concluded.
4. Renewable Energy Training for Educators, Investor Institutions and Organizations, Cooperation with Fırat Development Agency and Tunceli Governorship
Program, 5 days 40 hours, 19 April 2018.
5. Development of Underground Heat Transfer Using Nano Fluid in Ground Source Heat Pumps, TÜBİTAK 1002,
118M140, Associate Researcher, 2018-2019, Concluded
A1. Inalli, M. ve H. Esen, “Experimental thermal performance evaluation of a horizontal ground-source heat pump system”,
Applied Thermal Engineering, 24(14-15), 2219-32, (2004).
A2. Inalli, M. ve H. Esen, “Seasonal cooling performance of a ground-coupled heat pump system in a hot and arid
climate”, Renewable Energy, 30(9), 1411-24, (2005).
A3. Esen, M. ve H. Esen, “Experimental investigation of a two-phase closed thermosyphon solar water heater”, Solar
Energy, 79(5), 459-468, (2005).
A4. Esen, H., M. Inalli ve M. Esen, “Technoeconomic appraisal of ground source heat pump system for a heating season in
eastern Turkey”, Energy Conversion and Management, 47(9-10), 1281-97, (2006).
A5. Esen, H., M. Inalli ve M. Esen, “Numerical and experimental analysis of a horizontal ground-coupled heat pump
system”, Building and Environment, 42(3), 1126-34, (2007).
A6. Esen, H., M. Inalli ve M. Esen, “A techno-economic comparison of a ground-coupled and air-coupled heat pump
system for space cooling”, Building and Environment, 42(5), 1955-65, (2007).
A7. Esen, H., M. Inalli, M. Esen ve K. Pihtili, “Energy and exergy analysis of a ground-coupled heat pump system with two
horizontal ground heat exchangers”, Building and Environment, 42(10), 3606-3615, (2007).
A8. Esen, H., M. Inalli, A. Sengur ve M. Esen, “Forecasting of a ground-coupled heat pump performance using neural
networks with statistical data weighting pre-processing”, Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 47(4), 431-41, (2008).
A9. Esen, H., “Experimental energy and exergy analysis of a double-flow solar air heater having different obstacles on
absorber plates”, Building and Environment, 43(6), 1046-54, (2008).
A10. Esen, H., M. Inalli, A. Sengur ve M. Esen, “Modelling a ground-coupled heat pump system using adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference systems”, International Journal of Refrigeration, 31(1), 65-74, (2008).
A11. Esen, H., M. Inalli, A. Sengur ve M. Esen, “Performance prediction of a ground-coupled heat pump system using
artificial neural networks”, Expert Systems with Applications, 35(4), 1940-1948, (2008).
A12. Esen, H., M. Inalli, A. Sengur ve M. Esen, “Artificial neural networks and adaptive neuro-fuzzy assessments for
ground-coupled heat pump system”, Energy and Buildings, 40(6), 1074-83, (2008).
A13. Esen, H., M. Inalli, A. Sengur ve M. Esen, “Modelling a ground-coupled heat pump system by a support vector
machines”, Renewable Energy, 33(8), 1814-1823, (2008).
A14. Esen, H., M. Inalli, A. Sengur ve M. Esen, “Predicting performance of a ground source heat pump system using fuzzy
weighted pre-processing based ANFIS”, Building and Environment, 43(12), 2178-2187, (2008).
A15. Esen, H. ve M. Inalli, “In-situ thermal response test for ground source heat pump system in Elazığ, Turkey”, Energy
and Buildings, 41(4), 395-401, (2009).
A16. Esen, H. ve M. Inalli, “Modelling of a vertical ground coupled heat pump system by using artificial neural networks”,
Expert Systems with Applications, 36(7), 10229-10238, (2009).
A17. Esen, H. ve M. Inallı, “Thermal response of ground for different depths on a vertical ground source heat pump system
in Elazığ, Turkey”, Journal of the Energy Institute, 82(2):95-101, (2009).
A18. Esen, H., F. Ozgen, M. Esen ve A. Sengur, “Modelling of a new solar air heater through least-squares support vector
machines”, Expert Systems with Applications, 36(7), 10673-10682, (2009).
A19. Esen, H., F. Ozgen, M. Esen ve A. Sengur, “Artificial neural network and wavelet neural network approaches for modelling of a solar air heater”, Expert Systems with Applications, 36(8):11240-11248, (2009).
A20. Ozgen, F., Esen, M., Esen, H., Experimental investigation of thermal performance of a double-flow solar air heater
having aluminium cans, Renewable Energy, 34(11):2391-2398, (2009).
A21. Esen, H., Inalli, M., Esen, Y., Temperature distributions in boreholes of a vertical ground-coupled heat pump system,
Renewable Energy, 34(12):2672-2679, (2009).
A22. Esen, H., Inalli, M., ANN and ANFIS models for performance evaluation of a vertical ground source heat pump
system, Expert Systems with Applications, 37(12): 8134-8147, (2010) .
A23. Esen, H., Tuna, O., Investigation of photovoltaic assisted misting system application for arbor refreshment, International Journal of Photoenergy, vol. 2015, Article ID 748219, 11 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/748219.
A24. Esen, H., Turgut, T., Optimization of operating parameters of a ground coupled heat pump system by Taguchi
Method, Energy and Buildings 107, 329-334, 2015.
A25. Esen, H., Kapicioglu, A., Ozsolak, O., Design and implementation of automatic wheat mower based on smart sensor
fed by a photovoltaic, International Journal of Photoenergy, vol. 2016, Article ID 5410759, 10 pages, 2016.
A26. Esen, H., Esen, M., Ozsolak, O., Modelling and experimental performance analysis of solar-assisted ground source
heat pump system, Journal of Experimental&Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 29(1); 1-17, 2017, DOI:
A27. Aslan, F., Esen, H. and Yakuphanoglu, F., Electrical and fotoconducting characterization of Al/coumarin:ZnO/Al novel
organic-inorganic hybrid photodiodes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Elsevier Ltd, pp. 595–606, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2019.03.090.
A28. Aslan, F., Esen, H. and Yakuphanoglu, F. The effect of coumarin addition on the electrical characteristics of Al/Coumarin:CdO/p-Si/Al photodiode prepared by drop casting technique, Optik. Elsevier BV, 197, p. 163-203, 2019. doi:
A29. Kapıcıoğlu, A. and Esen, H. Experimental investigation on using Al2O3/ethylene glycol-water nano-fluid in different
types of horizontal ground heat exchangers’, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2019.114559.
A30. Aslan, F., Esen, H. and Yakuphanoglu, F., (2019). Al/p-Si/Coumarin:TiO2/Al Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Photodiodes:
Investigation of Electrical and Structural Properties, doi: 10.1007/s12633-019-00306-2, Silicon
B1. Esen, H., Esen, M., Yuksel, T., Modelling of biogas, solar and a ground source heat pump greenhouse heating system
by using ensemble learning, New Developments in Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-1-61804-288-0,
INASE Conferences. Vienna, Austria, March 15-17, pp. 74-81, 2015.
B2. Aslan, F., Ozgen, I., Esen, H., The Opportunities for Utilization from Biogas and Microalgae in Energy Planning and
the potential of Eastern Anatolia Region, International Conference on Natural Science and Engineering (ICNASE’16),
2016, Kilis, Turkey, March 19-20, pp. 1208-1218.
B3. Esen, H., Investigation of using biofuels in mobile power plants in terms of performance, emission and cost, International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, Sarajevo, pp. 947-953, 24-28 May 2016.
B4. Polatoğlu, A., Esen, H., Fuel and waste management of nuclear power plants to be established in Turkey, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Chapter 1, p. 1-5, 19-22 Oct. 2017, Elazığ, Turkey.
B5. Sahin, H., Esen, H., PEM fuel cell-battery hybrid power system, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium,
Chapter 2, p. 431-435, 19-22 Oct. 2017, Elazığ, Turkey.
B6. Polatoglu, A., Esen, H., Cost and contribution to electricity generation of Akkuyu nuclear power plant, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Chapter 4, p. 725-729, 19-22 Oct. 2017, Elazığ, Turkey.
B7. Kapicioglu, A., Esen, H., Karabulut, K., Koca, F., Numerical investigation of varying temperature values depending on
height of photovoltaic modules, 8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Chapter 11, p. 2293-2299, 19-22
Oct. 2017, Elazığ, Turkey.
B8. Kale, C., Esen, H., Investigation of a distillation system with the solar energy source in Elazığ climatic conditions, 8th
International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Abstract Book, p. 261, 19-22 Oct. 2017, Elazığ, Turkey.
B9. Esen, H., Kale, C., Feasibility study of a PV-electrolyzer-fuel cell hybrid power system for off-grid applications in Elazığ,
8th International Advanced Technologies Symposium, Abstract Book, p. 261, 19-22 Oct. 2017, Elazığ, Turkey.
B10. Aslan, F., Esen, H., Biogas production and a new concept design in fermentation of chicken manure with various
cereal wastes, International Conference on Innovative Engineering Applications, Chapter 6, p. 1192, 20-22 Sep. 2018, Sivas,
B11. Esen, H., Kuloğlu, A. C., Gürtürk, M., Kale, C. Cooling prefabricated place with phase changing material, International
Conference on Innovative Engineering Applications, Chapter 6, p. 1075-1081, 20-22 Sep. 2018, Elazığ, Turkey.
B12. Sahin, H., Esen, H., Experimental test of a pem fuel cell-battery hybrid power system in the absence and presence of
power management, International Conference on Innovative Engineering Applications, Chapter 6, p. 1152-1156, 20-22
Sep. 2018, Sivas, Turkey.
B13. Aslan, F., Esen, H. and Yakuphanoglu, F. (2019). Investigation of Optical Properties of TiO2 Nano Powder, Recent
Advances in Mathematical and Engineering Sciences, 24-26 July 2019, Lviv, Ukraine.
B14. Aslan, F., Esen, H. and Yakuphanoglu, F., (2019). Optical Measurement (UV) Results of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and Cadmium Oxide (CdO) Nano Powders Produced by Chemical Precipitation Method, 6th MSNG-2019, 16-18 October 2019, Niğde
Ömer Halisdemir University, Niğde.
B15. Aslan, F., Esen, H. “Bıogas Productıon and a New Concept Desıgn in Fermentatıon of Chıcken Manure with Various
Cereal Wastes” CIEA 2018, Cumhuriyet Universty, Sivas.
B16. Aslan, F., Esen, H. Özgen, İ. “Enerji Planlamalarında Biyogaz ve Mikroalglerden Yararlanma Olanakları Doğu Anadolu
Bölgesi Potansiyeli” ICNASE’16, Kilis 7 Aralık Üniversitesi.
D1. Esen, M., A. Koca, and Esen, H. “Experimentally evaluating the thermal performance of a new type of solar collector with hidden storage.
research”, Fırat University, Science and Engineering Sciences, 14(2), 135-143, (2002).
D2. Esen, H. and M. İnallı, “Performance of horizontal tube ground source heat pump in Elazig climatic conditions”, Fırat University, Science and Engineering Sciences, 15(2), 255-263, (2003).
D3. Esen, H. and M. İnallı, “Comparative thermodynamic analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration cycle for different refrigerants”, Fırat University, Science and Engineering Sciences, 15(3), 367-377, (2003).
D4. Esen, H. and M. İnallı, “Performance evaluation of horizontal ground source heat pump system”, Thermal Science and Technique,
24(1), 1-10, (2004).
D5. Esen, H., H. Alli and M. İnallı, “Fuzzy logic of ground heat exchanger in ground source heat pump system
control”, Mühendislik ve Makina, 45, 539, 17-21, (2004).
D6. Esen, H., M. İnallı and M. Esen, “Experimental application of horizontal ground source heat pump system”, Engineer and
Machine, 44, 523, 29-35, (2003).
D7. Esen, H. and A. Balbay, “Determination of ground heat exchanger pipe length in a ground source heat pump system”, Mühendislik ve Makina, 44, 527, 55-61, (2003).
D8. Esen, H., A. Balbay and M. Esen, “Calculation of ground heat exchanger length in ground source heat pump systems”, Tesisat, 97, 84-88, January, (2004).
D9. Esen, M., H. Hazar and H. Esen, “Experimental investigation of a solar cooker using a heat pipe collector”,
Yıldız Technical University, Journal of Sigma Engineering and Science, 1, 114-22, (2005).
D10. Esen, M., S. Şengür and H. Esen, “L.P.G. as an alternative refrigerant in refrigerators. use”, Journal of Thermodynamics, 173, 68-80, (2007).
D11. Esen, H., Kapıcıoğlu, A., Investigation of the efficiency of solar cells placed at different heights, Bitlis Eren University Journal of Science, 4(2), 198-204, (2015).
D12. Esen, H., Sengur, A., Estimation of monthly mean ambient temperatures with support vector machines, Fırat
University, Turkish Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 11(1), 1-7, 2016.
D13. Esen, H., Investigation of cooling of outdoor environments with fogging system using photovoltaic panels, Polytechnic
Journal, 20(2), 341-349, 2017.
D14. Esen, H., Kapicioglu, A., Ozsolak, O., Cooled and uncooled photovoltaic panels modeling by using genetic expression
programming, International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications, 1(1), 13-22, 2017.
E1. Esen, H. and M. İnallı, “Experimental investigation of the performance of ground source heat pump with horizontal heat exchanger”, I.
Aegean Energy Symposium and Exhibition, Pamukkale University Faculty of Engineering, Denizli, 151-155, May, (2003).
E2. Esen, H. and M. İnallı, “Usability of ground source heat pump system in space cooling”, National Air Conditioning Symposium and Exhibition, 25-27 February 2005, Antalya, p.89-97, (2005).
E3. Esen, H. and M. İnallı, “Energy and exergy analysis of a ground source heat pump used for space heating”,
ULibTK’05 15th National Thermal Science and Technology Congress 7-9 September 2005, Trabzon, pp.278-284, (2005).
E4. Esen, H. and M. İnallı, “Experimental application of a vertical pipe ground source heat pump system”, ULIPTK’07 16.
National Thermal Science and Technology Congress 30 May-2 June 2007, Kayseri, p. 698-705, (2007).
E5. Ozgen, F., Esen, M., Esen, H., Thermal analysis of an air solar collector whose absorber plate is made of cylindrical tin
Experimental examination of performance, 2nd Anadolu Energy Symposium, 2-4 May 2013, Diyarbakır, p. 414-421.
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