Prof. Dr. Michael BAUER

Prof. Dr. Michael BAUER



Born 1946 in Berlin, the capital of Germany.


  • 1965 – 1970 Studied Technical University of Merseburg at the faculty of cybernetics, mathematics and data processing.
  • 1972 Doctorate on the subject of "Use of EDP to plan and control large-scale research projects"
  • 1973 Start of work in industry at Chemische Werke Buna (now Dow Chemical) as an assistant to the management
  • 1975 to 1990 Head of Department Organization and IT in Industriemontagen Merseburg (today Industriemontagen Merseburg Group)
  • 1991 to 1994 Managing Director of the software / hardware company COMTEXT KG
  • 1995 to 2001 Key Account Manager Geoinformation Systems Germany at Systemhaus Hemminger GmbH
  • 2001 to 2006 Project manager geographic information system Vattenfall Berlin
  • Since 2007 Head of Compliance perfect timing holding
  • 2021 Founding Rector of ATAFOM University